



مستعملة مازيراتي كواتروبورتي 3.8T V8 Trofeo 2011

درهم 40,000 محدث 12 of June, 2024
هل لديك مازيراتي كواتروبورتي مشابهة للبيع في دبي؟ قم ببيعها بنفسك!‎
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Are you ready to experience the pinnacle of luxury and performance? Look no further than this stunning 2011 Maserati Quattroporte 3.8T V8 Trofeo. This used car has been meticulously maintained and is now available in Dubai for AED 40000. With a mileage of 169000 kilometers, this car is ready to take you on countless thrilling adventures. Featuring GCC specs, this Maserati Quattroporte is sure to turn heads with its sleek and sophisticated design. The 3.8L V8 engine delivers an impressive 400 horsepower, giving you a powerful and exhilarating driving experience. The automatic transmission and rear-wheel drive make for effortless handling and control, making every drive a pleasure. But it's not just about performance, this Quattroporte is also packed with all the luxurious features you could want. Enjoy the comfort and convenience of full options, including a sunroof, premium leather seats, and a state-of-the-art sound system. Whether you're commuting to work or taking a weekend road trip, this car has everything you need to make the journey enjoyable. Don't miss your chance to own this incredible Maserati Quattroporte. With just normal wear and tear and a few minor issues, this car is in great condition and ready to hit the road. Its competitive price and premium features make it a great value for any car enthusiast. So why wait? Contact us today to schedule a test drive and experience the thrill of driving a true luxury sedan. This deal won't last long, so act fast before it's too late!

معلومات عن سوق السيارات المستعملة
في دبي، لدينا الآن 2 مستعملة مازيراتي كواتروبورتي 3.8T V8 Trofeo 2011 مستعملة للبيع. يبلغ معدل أسعار هذه السيارات درهم 39,000 بينما معدل المسافة المقطوعة في السنة 169,490.
إذا كنت ترغب بتوسيع عملية البحث الخاصة بك على يلا موتور، فإن الموقع يمتلك حاليًا 2 مستعملة مازيراتي كواتروبورتي 3.8T V8 Trofeo 2011 مستعملة في الإمارات. يبلغ معدل أسعار هذه السيارات درهم 39,000 بينما معدل المسافة المقطوعة في السنة 169,490.

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